
Your First Visit

Making A Plan For Your Perfect Smile

Your first encounter with an orthodontist can sometimes feel like an initiation into the world of braces, aligners, and the pursuit of a perfect smile. At Scissortail Orthodontics, we’ve crafted a welcoming environment where every patient’s story is heard, and every smile plan is as unique as the person wearing it.

From the moment you schedule your initial consultation, we begin plotting a course for a successful and comfortable orthodontic experience. We understand that deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment is a significant decision that can transform your life. Whether it’s for the aesthetics of a confident smile or the health benefits of a well-aligned bite, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

waiting room with desk

The Roadmap To Your Healthy, Happy Smile

Before your first visit, it can be helpful to jot down any questions or concerns you might have about orthodontic treatment. Are you curious about the treatment options available, the duration of the process, or the care and maintenance of braces or aligners? We invite you to bring these thoughts with you to our practice, where our team will be ready to provide clear answers and alleviate any anxieties you might have.

Upon arrival, you’ll be welcomed with a warm greeting, and Dr. Kierl will introduce himself, eager to learn about you and the goals you have for your smile. A comprehensive examination will be conducted, including photographs, x-rays, and molds of your teeth, all completed with your comfort in mind.

Once we’ve assessed your needs and discussed the best treatment options, you’ll receive a personalized smile plan that addresses the timeline, costs, and any additional information you need to prepare for the next steps. Our team will take the time to explain the details thoroughly and help you feel confident in moving forward with treatment.

The Journey Begins With A Single Step

Starting orthodontic treatment is an exciting milestone. It means you’ve taken the first step toward the smile you’ve always wanted. Our emphasis on efficient treatment and state-of-the-art technology ensures that every adjustment to your teeth is precisely planned and expertly executed. From traditional braces to Invisalign, our methods are tried and true, designed to deliver the best results possible.

Throughout your orthodontic journey, you can expect to develop a close relationship with our team. We’ll celebrate your milestones with you and adjust your treatment plan as needed to keep you on track. Our dedication to patient care extends beyond the clinical setting to offer support and answer any new questions that arise during your metamorphosis to a beautiful and healthy smile.

Understanding Your Orthodontic Financial Options

The Financial Aspect of A Priceless Investment

Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your health and self-confidence. We believe that the financial aspect should be as seamless as the care you receive. Our patient resources and financial options are designed to work with your budget and make achieving your perfect smile an affordable and stress-free process.

Clear Communication On Costs & Coverage

Understanding the costs associated with orthodontic treatment is critical to making informed decisions. During your first visit, our team will provide a breakdown of the treatment costs and help you explore the financial options available. From in-house payment plans to flexible financing through CareCredit, we’re committed to making sure you’re comfortable with the financial components of your treatment plan.

We’ll also help you understand your insurance coverage and will work with your provider to ensure you receive the maximum benefits available to you. Transparent communication on costs and coverage at the outset allows for a smoother payment process and a clear vision of what to expect financially throughout your orthodontic treatment.

Investing In Your Smile’s Future

The benefits of orthodontic treatment are long-term. A properly aligned smile can improve your dental health, your facial appearance, and your overall quality of life. It’s an investment that pays dividends in terms of self-esteem and well-being.

We encourage our patients to view orthodontic treatment as a lifelong investment in their smile. It’s not only a mark of personal enhancement but also an opportunity to experience the world with a new level of confidence. We’re here to make this transformation accessible and stress-free, so you can focus on the joy of seeing your perfect smile take shape.

Whether you’re considering orthodontic treatment for yourself or a loved one, making the decision to invest in a healthy, radiant smile is a choice that echoes far beyond the straightening of teeth. It’s about enhancing your life and changing how the world sees you.

At Scissortail Orthodontics, your first visit is the beginning of a collaborative and rewarding relationship. Our mission is to guide you along the path to your best smile, offering unwavering care, support, and expertise at every turn. We’re excited to be a part of your orthodontic story, and we can’t wait to see the amazing adventures that lie ahead for you and your transforming smile.

Welcome to Scissortail Orthodontics, where your smile’s potential is as limitless as the sky, and the care you receive is grounded in our deep commitment to excellence.